One (1) Minute Of Angle (MOA) is 1.047 inches per 100 yards. 1.047 @ 100 yards, 2.094 @ 200 yards
To calculate this, we take 1.047 x Distance (yards) / 100 or (easer for me) 1.047 x 1% of our distance.
To calculate 1%, move the decimal over 2 places. (example) 1% of 100. is 1.00, 200. = 2.00, 125. = 1.25, 1000. = 10.00, 576 = 5.76
One (1) Shooter Minute Of Angle (SMOA) is One (1) inch per 100 yards. SMOA is used for an estimation, or a correction. 1 inch @ 100 yards, 2 inches @ 200 yards. To calculate SMOA is the same as above.
One (1) MIL is TEN (10) cm at 100 meters. There are 3.437 MOA in one MIL. There are 3.599 inches in one MIL at 100 yards. 3.437 MOA x 1.047 MOA = 3.6 (rounded) 1 MIL 3.6 inches at 100 yards. 1 MIL is divided in to ten. .1 Mil = .36 inches at 100 yards.
To convert MILS to MOA, multiply by 3.5. To convert MOA to MILS divide by 3.5
The Overwatch