More About The Overwatch
The goal of this website is to help you learn about firearms, with an emphasis on long range shooting. I will go over subjects like building a weapon system from the ground up, picking a rifle and caliber, mounting scope and rings, and firearms safety. Fundamentals of marksmanship and everything you need to know to make hits out to 1200+ yards! I will walk you through the steps to set your rifle up, select ammunition, zero your rifle, collect data, gather environmental data, create dope charts and make first round hits.
When I started to learn about long range shooting, I did not realize I would have to learn trigonometry, geometry, physics and meteorology. While I'm sure there are a lot of long range shooters that have good success with learning the basics and using a ballistic calculator, I wanted to understand the whys and hows. Not just know I need to make an adjustment, but really understand why and how something is affecting my bullet. I wanted to understand and see the formulas. I wanted to have nothing more than my gun, ammo, and as little equipment as possible to make hits at long ranges. Now I want to share everything I have learned with as many people as possible. I personally believe that our second amendment is so important that it was second for a reason. Riflemen are the key component to keeping our country free and safe from tyranny, foreign and domestic. If ever the time comes we need to fight for our country, patriots like you will have learned the skills necessary to keep our country free. I am not pro gun, I am pro second amendment! I believe any law restricting our second amendment rights is unconstitutional, and I make no apologies for that.
My love for freedom is more important than money, and I will never sell the basic information and safety guide of shooting for profit. Please feel free to use, copy or share any information. I only ask of you to give credit to this page, as I work very hard to share this information, and it's very time consuming.
The Overwatch
The purpose of The Overwatch is to share the skillset of long range shooting and more. I hope to bring friends, family, neighbors, and strangers together for the better, for the community, and for the safety of our country, with the best pastime activity ever; shooting guns!